Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spring Break - Day 5 - Museums!

Mar 31,

This morning we started our day with breakfast at Panera, which is pretty close to our hotel. And yet, we still got kind of drenched because it was raining so hard. We had umbrellas, so that helped, but the bottom of Sofia's jeans and hers and Lionel's tennis shoes were completely wet. 

After breakfast we took an Uber to the National Air and Space museum, which was the best decision ever. That would have been a long and miserable walk otherwise. At first glance the museum didn't seem that big, but we spent over 3 hours there. By then we were all starving, since it was way past lunch time, but the food court area was crazy packed and only had bad options anyway. So we walked to a nearby salad place. After that  we thought the girls would be done, but they still had some energy left to go to the American History museum. They closed at 5:30, so we only had about 90 minutes left, but at least we got to see a First Ladies and Presidential exhibit. After that they were really done, and Sofia's foot was hurting, so we finally headed back to the hotel. It was a full day!

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