Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tulips, where are you?

Apr 23,

April is my favorite time of the year to go to the Zoo, to see the beautiful tulips. I had hoped to go earlier in the month, but we had been busy. So today there were no excuses. The weather was not the best - cloudy and still kind of cold - but at least it was not raining. So I dragged everybody with me, and even charged the battery of my good camera so I could take high resolution pictures. Unfortunately, as soon as we got there I saw the first patch of tulips - or where they normally are - and they were all gone! That was not a good sign. If they were gone there, it was likely they were gone everywhere. 

We did find a few leftover tulips here and there, and some small purple flours, but nothing compared to how beautiful everything normally is. I guess the crazy weather, going up and down from one day to the next, completely killed them all. 

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