Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spring Break - Day 6 - Spy Museum and Capitol

Apr 1,

After brunch we walked to the International Spy Museum, which Sofia was really looking forward to. They had a 1 hour Operation Spy activity, but Bella was still too young for that. So only Sofia and Lionel did it, while Bella and I started to walk around the museum. Bella wasn't particularly happy about it, and literally dragged her feet for the full hour, staying close to the museum entrance, waiting for Sofia and Lionel to join us. After that we walked around together for a while, and of course spent some time at the gift shop because the girls wanted to look around.

We went from the Spy museum to an ice cream shop, and then walked towards the Capitol. The sun was out, and it was windy but not too cold, so it was a pleasant walk. By then it was 5:00pm, and Sofia's foot was starting to hurt, so we took a ride back to the hotel to rest for a little while before dinner.

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