Monday, April 17, 2017

Birthday girl!

Apr 13,

This year Sofia's birthday was on a Thursday, and we were both a bit bummed about that. She was bummed because that meant she had to go to school and do homework, and she also had a school activity that night. That meant not much rest during the day, and no cutting cake with the family. But we made the best of it. I left work early to pick them up in car pickup, and we went to Target to buy a board game Sofia really wanted. We also got her cake. After that we went back home for a little bit, so Sofia could do homework, and went back to school for her 6th grade show. She was actually excited about doing the show - it was just bad timing with her birthday and all. 

Gabi and my parents came to the show, but it was kind of long and the boys started getting really anxious. So they left early. And so did my parents because they came together. After the show finally ended we went out for a quick dinner, came back, cut cake, and opened gifts. And  that was that! I was sad that we didn't have more time to celebrate, but what matters is that Sofia still felt special.

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