Thursday, December 28, 2017

Christmas Day

Dec 25,

The girls had a great Christmas morning so they were happy. They got what they asked for, a few extra gifts from Grandma and Grandpa, and a personalized letter from Santa. And, they also got a white Christmas as it snowed a bit the night before. Sofia's favorite gift was her instant camera, and Bella's was a karaoke machine she got from grandma and grandpa. 

After opening gifts we took it easy during the morning and went to 11:30 mass. The girls were not particularly excited about it, but we have been bad this year in terms of going to Church and we have no excuse to not show up at least on Christmas day. Besides, I really wanted to go to give thanks for everything we have and pray for the family, and for all the people out there who don't have loved ones or are suffering in one way or another.

In the afternoon Monique, the girls and I went to see one movie while Lionel and his dad went to see another. Everything is closed on Christmas day, so the movies were a good alternative. For dinner we stayed in though. We had leftovers and it was nice to sit around in our PJs and relax a little.

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