Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Lunch and Museum Center

Dec 22,

Today we went out for lunch and then to Museum Center, which was in our Winter Break bucket list. For lunch we went back to Maplewood, which was really good. The wait wasn't bad and everybody liked what they got.  But Museum Center was a different story. We knew there was construction, which has been going on for a while, but the Christmas display was supposed to be open and that is what we wanted to see. The display was open indeed, but it wasn't even half the size that it usually is - and it wasn't cheap. So we quickly found ourselves saying "That is it?!?". After about 30-40 minutes tops we were back out, heading home. We were not particularly happy about paying for such a small display, but I guess we will consider it a charitable contribution. I am sure Museum Center will look great once all the construction is over - whether or not we get to enjoy it.

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