Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Mami-Bella Day Part 1

Dec 18,

Today was Mami-Bella day - Part 1. I had a couple of work calls in the morning, the very last ones before going on vacation, so we could only do Mami-Bella day in the afternoon. But she was Ok with that because she really wanted to make sure her day with me was before Sofia's - since apparently last year Sofia's was first. Our plan was to do a half day today and the other half on Wednesday. 

Our first stop was Michaels to buy materials for Christmas gifts. Then, for lunch, she wanted to do Panera. She also wanted to go paint pottery, but unfortunately the place was closed on Mondays. Instead we went to TJMaxx to walk around and almost went to the movies, but she changed her mind and we headed home instead. There the girls started working on the Christmas gifts before we headed back out for Bella's guitar lesson, which was pretty much the end of our day.

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