Sunday, July 29, 2018

Summer Vacation - Day 4 - Bonneville Dam and Forest Park

Jul 29,

This morning, after brunch at a nearby place, we got in the car to drive to Multnomah falls. Little did we know though, the exit was closed because the exit is pretty much the parking lot, and the parking lot is ridiculously small. We had to keep going and got off the highway at one of the next exits, which happened to be the exit for the Bonneville Dam. So we went. We learned that it was built during the great depression, that there is a particular section built to let the fish back and forth (which I am assuming is the case for all of them), and that there is actually such a thing as a "fish counter" job.  They count fish in 8 hour shifts, with a 10 minute break at the end of each hour. 

On our way back from the dam we were hoping the waterfalls' parking lot would be opened, but that was not the case. We didn't want to go back to the hotel yet though, without seeing some more of the area, so we made a stop by Forest Park and hiked for about an hour. It was hot outside, and even though it felt better in the shade we definitely needed showers before dinner.

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