Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Summer Vacation - Day 6 - A few Seattle favorites

Jul 31,

This morning I started the day with a 3 mile run. Since we are staying in a new part of town, which means new buildings and not a whole lot of charm, I just ran on the treadmill. After that we got the girls out of bed, got ready, and headed to downtown Seattle. We had to be back at the hotel at 2:30 at the latest, to go on a Microsoft tour, so we wanted to go downtown at a decent time.

We went straight to Pike Place Market where we hit the must-do spots: The fish stand, the gum wall, the original Starbucks, and Piroshky -  the polish pastry shop. Bella initially said that she would contribute to the gum wall, but once we were there decided it was completely disgusting and barely posed for a picture in front of it. After a few minutes of walking around the market she said she wasn't feeling great (because she did not sleep well) and that she had a headache. Luckily I had Tylenol with me, which helped. But I think what helped the most was a crown we bought at the market that made her feel special and lifted her spirits for the rest of the afternoon. 

After the market we walked to the Underground Tour, which I had done before and though they would enjoy as well. It is interesting because you learn about the history of the city, but they also make it fun.  By then it was a bit after 1:30, so we only had time to walk back to the market, buy sandwiches to go, and get an Uber to get back to the hotel. By them the sun had fully come out, so although a bit rushed it was a nice walk. 

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