Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Mexico 2021 - Day 5 - Transition Day

 Jun 29,

Today was a transition day. We left Queretaro to drive to San Miguel de Allende. But before we left, and while others watched a soccer game, Sofia and I walked around and bought a few gifts. I also bought my new pijama t-shirt at a cheap clothing store. I thought it was funny. Since the sun came out, the kids squeezed in a little bit of pool time. Then Lionel, Sofia, Raj, and Gabi went to pick up the rental cars. Sounds like the rental process was an adventure in itself, but we finally made it out of the city and arrived in San Miguel de Allende without any issues. We didn't make a single wrong turn. We are staying at the house of one of Gabi's High School friends. He kindly offered it to us once we knew we were coming here. He used to rent it it Airbnb, but took it down because of Covid.

We got here in the evening, and the weather was stormy, so all we did was unpack, go out for dinner, and go to the grocery store to buy breakfast food for the week. I love going to grocery stores when I travel. Nothing like checking out the local food. 

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