Friday, December 31, 2021

Good Bye 2021

 Dec 31,

And that is a wrap. Good bye 2021. Since Sofia is avoiding us to try to stay healthy she did not want to be in the picture, but Bella agreed to continue the tradition.


 Dec 31,

My goal is to run at least 500 miles every year. I have run over 500 miles every year since I started running in 2012, with the exception of 2014. That is the year I got hurt training for the Miami Marathon.  Besides that year, the least amount of miles has been 532.6 in 2016, and the max has been 629.8 in 2019. 

This year with all the craziness, with having to walk Kika and Zoey in the mornings, and with getting sick in November and December, I came extremely close to not meeting the goal. I ended up meeting it on Dec 26 - BARELY, but I am not particularly satisfied with the barely part. Besides, for the first time in several years, I am not going to end or start the year with a run thanks to being sick. And once I get better, it will probably be a couple of weeks before I have the energy for a run. Nothing like starting the year with a deficit despite all your commitment and good intentions. 

Mami-Fifi Day [Cancelled]

 Dec 31,

Today was supposed to be Mami-Fifi day but since she is the only one who has not gotten sick, and is avoiding us like the plague, our day obviously got cancelled. I have not even seen her more than 10 minutes today and it is already 6:00 pm. 

Mami-Bella [Inside] Day

Dec 29,

Today was supposed to be Mami-Bella day. Bella had made a list of things we could potentially do. However, since she was still not feeling great and I was starting to feel sick as well, we ended up setting up the projector in my room and watching 2 back to back movies.  She didn't complain once though. Not even when the movies we chose ended up being not that great. We just sat there together the entire afternoon.


Krohn Conservatory 2021

 Dec 28,

Another one of my favorite Holiday traditions is to go to the Krohn Conservatory. This year I got to go with Gabi and my mom. And since we went almost at closing time, we were able to avoid the crowds and remove our masks for pictures. This year, the new building I saw was Findlay Market. I think all the others were already there the year before. And I missed seeing Rapunzel on the other side, the tropical one, but they did have a new Fiona.

Sick Gordita

 Dec 28,

Bella is sick and literally spent most of the day in this same spot looking sad, watching TV, and drinking lots of water.

God Bye Tree

 Dec 28,

We had a dead tree on our side yard that needed to come down. Accessing it was not as straightforward so they needed to bring a giant crane, and other heavy equipment. It was quite the production but obviously they knew what they were doing and they were out of here in probably less than 2 hours. It was impressive work.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Festival of Lights 2021

 Dec 26,

Tonight we hit the Festival of Lights during an unseasonably warm night. My mom came along for the very first time in a very long time. It was pretty crowded, but the beauty of the zoo is that even when crowded you can comfortably walk around and enjoy the lights.

Bengals Vs Ravens

 Dec 26,

Today we watched the Bengals Vs Ravens game at my parents' house. And by that I mean that the others watched it while I took a nap.

Christmas Day 2021

 Dec 25,

Today was a lazy day. We took it easy while some of us recovered from allergies and from going to bed late. We also went to the movies to watch Encanto, the new Disney movie and one of few movies featuring Latin families. Everyone liked it except for Adrian, who was visible bored and kept moving around. At least he hung in there until the end.

Christmas Morning 2021

 Dec 25,

Christmas Eve 2021

 Dec 24,