Sunday, December 19, 2021

Vail - Day 2 - First day of skiing

 Dec 19,

Today was our first day of skiing. It was sunny, and not too cold in the mountain.  There were some long lines, especially since not the entire mountain is open, but I didn't think it was too bad. It could always be worse I guess. One lady that rode the lift with us said that some of the runs were closed not necessarily because of a lack of snow, but rather because of a lack of workers. There are usually hundreds of Argentinian students working here for the season, but with Covid many of them didn't make it because of all the travel uncertainties. I of course couldn't help but to think of this as another clear example of how Latin people keep the economy going - especially since we touch ever aspect of it. 

Sofia's legs were hurting, so Philippe came back with her a little early. Lionel, Bella, and I came back at around 3:15. After resting for a little bit, and Bella and Lionel watching some of the Bengals game, we went to the hot tub for a little bit of relaxation before dinner. 

After dinner Sofia and I took a quick walk around town. After one loop we came back to the hotel, because she was getting cold, but I did one more loop. I always walk after dinner, because otherwise I feel too heavy and uncomfortable, and that walk was just what I needed.

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