Monday, December 20, 2021

Vail - Day 3 - Second day of skiing

 Dec 20,

Today I woke up at about 6:40 am and, before we had breakfast, I went to the gym area to walk for a little bit. I was literally the first person in that entire section of the hotel. After breakfast we got ready to go skiing - with a few thousand of our closest friends. We were out there until about 3:30 pm, but didn't get to ski as much as usual because there were long lines and our lunch break was a bit log because of the wait beforehand. Still, we got our physical and mental exercise in by going down some black diamonds without falling down. The photo of Sofia on the ground is not because she fell down. She was just taking a break while we decided what to do next.

For dinner we ate at one of the restaurants at the hotel, so there was not much of a walk. But since I always walk after dinner, I once again created my own opportunity for a walk before I called it  day.

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