Thursday, December 22, 2022

Denver - CU Visit - Day 4 - Heading Home

Dec 22,

After a short but productive trip to Colorado, today we are heading home. It is absolutely freezing outside, and our flight is delayed, but I trust that we will make it home sometime today.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Denver - CU Visit - Day 3 - Brrrr

Dec 21,

Right now. 

Denver - CU Visit - Day 3 - Around Town

Dec 21,

This morning, before the weather got frigid cold, we had brunch at "The Buff" and walked around Pearl Street in Boulder. The weather was forty something, and some of the locals didn't even have a jacket on.  Just a thick sweater and some not even that. Quite a difference with tonight.

Denver - CU Visit - Day 2 - Just thinking…

Dec 20,

Today, while we drove back from Boulder, I got to thinking that there are good reasons for me to believe that things can always get better and for believing in beating the odds.

By age 4 I had already survived an emergency appendectomy 

By age 13 I had made it past 2 more surgeries 

By age 15 I had survived several bad bike accidents with my sister

By age 16 I got a life-changing scholarship 

By age 21 I got another scholarship that allowed my broke student self to study my masters degree in another country

By age 22 I had survived a car accident that totaled my car

By age 32 I had survived another emergency surgery after Bella was born

And after all that, at age 46 I am still around! … and while shit definitely happens, the good outweighs the bad.

Denver - CU Visit - Day 2 - The Official Tour

Dec 20,

Today was the official CU school tour at 1:30. But, before that, we met Isabel for lunch at The Sink, one of the local popular places near the school. It had been a long time since we last saw her, and we had a good time catching up in general and hearing her thoughts about the school. She clearly loves it around here and will continue to stay here, even though now her entire family has moved to NYC. For us that is a good thing, as she has offered to be Sofia's local contact if she ends up around here. 

The presentation lasted about 40 minutes, and the tour ended at almost 5pm. Unfortunately we didn't get to see the dorms as the one they normally show was under construction, but we did see a good chunk of the campus. The campus is really nice, the buildings are quite different than the others we have seen, and the basketball courts at the rec center have an insane view of the mountains. And almost at the end of the tour we saw a replica of the campus made out of Legos. That was also cool. Unfortunately the student center and bookstore were closed for some event, so it was a good thing that we had already gotten the sweatshirts for the girls the day before. 

Denver - CU Visit - Day 1 - Arriving in Denver

Dec 19,

Today we got up really early to catch our 6:50 flight to Denver. Sofia is still not completely healthy after 10 days of being sick. Still has some stuffy nose and a cough, but luckily fell asleep during the flight. When we got to Denver we got the rental car and went downtown to walk around for a little while, but quickly discovered that downtown Denver is not necessarily a happening place and there is not much to do. So we drove to Boulder to check out the school. While it is not a long drive, maybe 20-25 minutes, the girls fell asleep in the car. 

At the school we walked around for a little bit and went to the book store so the girls could get a sweatshirt. After that we went back to the rental apartment and took naps. For dinner we took about a 15 minute walk to a nearby restaurant called Cholon. It was an Asian restaurant. The food was good but a little spicy for our taste. And the walk was not bad, but Bella  did not enjoy it much as there were several homeless people around. That was really sad, especially in a place with extreme weather like this. 

Miami - Accepted!

 Dec 18,

Sofia has been officially accepted to Miami University as well. She actually got accepted into their honors program, and got offered some scholarship money as well. Miami is not her first choice either, but it is a solid option for her to consider as (hopefully) other acceptances come in. 

The final

Dec 18,

Today we watched the World Cup final as a family. It was not the outcome that we wanted, but it ended up being a great game and we were there to support Lionel. 


The Nutcracker

Dec 17,

Today Bella and I went to see one of her close friends dance in the Nutcracker. We went as a group with her 2 other close friends and their moms. I actually had never seen it before but it was really nice. The ballet dancers were great, and it was a nice outing in between all the rush and craziness that has been our life as of late. 


 Dec 16,

This week I had the opportunity to go to Mexico to visit one of our plants. It was the first time ever I visited, and it was great to be there. I also had the opportunity to visit our offices in Mexico City for the first time and I even attended their Christmas party. It had been such a long time since I was at a party in Mexico, so I was very happy to be there. I also gave a couple of presentations, which hopefully were helpful to them. It was a super packed exhausting week, flying 4 out of 5 days and getting up early every day, but it was also a great opportunity that doesn't happen every day.