Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Denver - CU Visit - Day 1 - Arriving in Denver

Dec 19,

Today we got up really early to catch our 6:50 flight to Denver. Sofia is still not completely healthy after 10 days of being sick. Still has some stuffy nose and a cough, but luckily fell asleep during the flight. When we got to Denver we got the rental car and went downtown to walk around for a little while, but quickly discovered that downtown Denver is not necessarily a happening place and there is not much to do. So we drove to Boulder to check out the school. While it is not a long drive, maybe 20-25 minutes, the girls fell asleep in the car. 

At the school we walked around for a little bit and went to the book store so the girls could get a sweatshirt. After that we went back to the rental apartment and took naps. For dinner we took about a 15 minute walk to a nearby restaurant called Cholon. It was an Asian restaurant. The food was good but a little spicy for our taste. And the walk was not bad, but Bella  did not enjoy it much as there were several homeless people around. That was really sad, especially in a place with extreme weather like this. 

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