Sunday, December 4, 2022


 Dec 4,

Today was a pretty full Sunday. After walking the dogs I went running. I don't normally like running back to back days but right now running during the week is pretty impossible (with 7:00 am start days), so I have to get my runs in during the weekend. I then had lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in a while, bought food, and came back home. Lionel watched France play in the World Cup, and then watched other games. Sofia went to work, and Bella hung out with her friends in the morning (after having a sleepover in the basement) and then did homework, laundry and chores. And in the late afternoon we all worked on the Christmas decorations. And just like that it was dinner time. Unfortunately I ran out of time to go see my parents, but there just weren't enough hours in the day.

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