Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Denver - CU Visit - Day 2 - The Official Tour

Dec 20,

Today was the official CU school tour at 1:30. But, before that, we met Isabel for lunch at The Sink, one of the local popular places near the school. It had been a long time since we last saw her, and we had a good time catching up in general and hearing her thoughts about the school. She clearly loves it around here and will continue to stay here, even though now her entire family has moved to NYC. For us that is a good thing, as she has offered to be Sofia's local contact if she ends up around here. 

The presentation lasted about 40 minutes, and the tour ended at almost 5pm. Unfortunately we didn't get to see the dorms as the one they normally show was under construction, but we did see a good chunk of the campus. The campus is really nice, the buildings are quite different than the others we have seen, and the basketball courts at the rec center have an insane view of the mountains. And almost at the end of the tour we saw a replica of the campus made out of Legos. That was also cool. Unfortunately the student center and bookstore were closed for some event, so it was a good thing that we had already gotten the sweatshirts for the girls the day before. 

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