Saturday, July 29, 2023

Glacier National Park - Day 1 - Kayaking and Hiking

Jul 29,

Today was the first day of our ladies trip to the Glacier National Park. I was really looking forward to the trip to see my friends, get a break from work, and for the views - as Montana is supposed to be beautiful. And it certainly did not disappoint. We definitely saw some heavenly views today.

We started the day with 2 hours of Kayaking at Lake McDonald, at a place called Apgar Village. The weather was sunny and super comfortable, and the views were simply amazing. The 2 most peaceful hours I have had in a while. 

After having lunch we went to the Avalanche Lake Trail. It was a 6 mile hike, out and back, which was a great workout. I think it took us about 3 hours. Towards the end of the hike you get rewarded with the lake and more amazing views.

We also had no cell phone reception all day, which was kind of nice because we were not distracted by other things. We were fully enjoying the moment. 

By the time we got back to the rental apartment it was probably close to 7pm. We ordered pizza from a nearby place, took showers, had dinner, and just chilled for a while. 

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