Sunday, July 9, 2023

The rest of the week

 Jul 8,

After the 4th of Jul the week went by quickly. I worked as usual, Sofia and I went out one evening for ice cream (Bella did not want to go), and today I ran 8 miles during a steamy morning. I meant to run 6, but took a couple of wrong turns and ended up with 8. We also went to a party to a co-worker's house which was nice. They moved here last May, and they also invited two more families who are new in town. One family has been here for almost 1 year, and the other one just got here 3 weeks ago, same as us. The girls did not stay long, but we told them it was ok to go because it was better for them to leave together than to stay with a long face. And that way we got to stay and talk to the other adults.

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