Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Movie, party, and fireworks

 Jul 4, 

Today was a relatively uneventful day. I worked out in the morning, went to Home Depot, we hung out at the house, and then went to the small movie theater 5 minutes from here. I was willing to go alone, but given that the weather was not great (and there was not much else going on), everyone else came along too. 

After the movie Bella went to a party - her very first party invite in Boston. She went with some girls she met at an optional soccer practice last night. They live a couple of blocks from here and luckily had a great time.

Given that we just got here we were not going to mess with going to see the fireworks, but as it turns out some random people put on a show in the park right across from our house. So we did get to see fireworks after all, and from the comfort of our own home. 

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