Sunday, August 20, 2023

College Drop Off - Day 2 - Last family dinner … for a while

Aug 20,

For our last family dinner, at least for a while, we went to a nice French restaurant and then walked for a few minutes before heading back to the hotel. In general terms, Sofia was in a good mood. Lionel and I think that she is ready to get started with her college life, but also probably a little bit apprehensive. After all, the anticipation before a big change is  always the worst. Tomorrow she is supposed to move in at 10:30 am, and I am sure it is going to be a stressful day. I am also pretty sure that regardless of what we say or do, she is going to be annoyed with us. But we will press on, do our best, and hope she has a great first day - while hesitantly (at least me) drive away without her.

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