Sunday, August 13, 2023


Aug 13,

This afternoon Sofia and I went kayaking at the Charles River. Lionel and Bella were invited, but Lionel was too tired from playing soccer in the morning and Bella wasn’t feeling the best and wanted to rest. Besides, she had a four hour soccer camp in the evening. So Sofia and I went by ourselves. The rental place is about a 5 min drive from our house, and we had seen it passing by. 

We kayaked for an hour and a half, which was about the right length of time for us. It was nice being out in the water, but it was definitely also hard work. I am sure tomorrow I’ll be sore. It was worth it though, to stay active, enjoy the outdoors, and spend time with my Sofia. We have less than 1 week before we have to take her to college, so I am enjoying every moment I can with her.

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