Sunday, August 6, 2023

Gillette Family Day 2023

Aug 2,

Last night I got home at about 1:15 am and today we had Gillette Family Day. Luckily I had managed to leave my calendar wide open in the afternoon, as I was anticipating needing time to recover from the trip. So when I learned it was Gillette Family Day, it was easy to actually participate. I personally treated it like a bring your kids to work day, which was the Cincinnati tradition. Sofia was in Cincinnati, and didn't want to come anyway, but Bella came along. They didn't have as many activities as they did in Cincinnati (and no Kona Ice Truck), but for me the most important thing anyway was for Bella to see where I work. She also got to meet some of my coworkers and do the self-guided plant tour. Although, based on her reaction and how quickly we went through it, I most definitely do not have an engineer in my hands. Still, it is nice that now she knows the place where I spend so many hours every week.

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