Monday, August 21, 2023

College Drop Off - Day 3 - See you later baby girl

Aug 21,

The bittersweet, and emotionally tough moment of dropping Sofia off for college finally happed today. One minute I had a cute little girl, and the next one I was dropping her off for college 2,000 miles away from us. Because once upon a time I got my wings, and now it is her turn.

It was a steamy one, making it all the way to 95. We emptied the rental car, rolled everything inside the dorm, and helped her unpack. We unpacked the suitcases, opened the boxes we had mailed to Isabel's house, and unpacked everything we bought at Target the last couple of days. We also did one last Target run to buy a few things we realized she would need as well. 

After everything was unpacked and put away we took some photos and lingered a little bit, because we were not sure what else to do. Sofia didn't seem fully ready for us to leave, and we were not looking forward to leaving her either. But I also knew that the longest we lingered, the tougher it would be to say good bye.  I could feel the lump quickly forming in my throat, and I didn't want to make it tough on her by falling apart in front of her. So we said good bye, hugged her, and headed out. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to share with her everything I wanted to share in those last few moments together, so I had written her a letter a couple of days before for her to read when we were gone. I hope that as she reads it she knows I love her deeply, that I am proud of her, and that today, tomorrow, and forever, I will be here for her. 

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