Saturday, July 9, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 4 - Birthday Lunch

Jul 9,

Today was Philippe’s birthday celebration lunch so his brother Pierre came from Nancy and Lionel’s cousins - and some of their kids - came from Paris. Not everyone was able to make it, as Benoit’s kids were not here and Fred wasn’t either, but it was still a good crowd. We had lunch at an old building right across the Cathedral that has been around since 1427. The service wasn’t great, as the server was not super friendly, but I guess we didn’t come for the food. And between French, Italian, and English, our table figured out how to communicate.

After lunch some of us walked around for a little while, and sat at a cafe for a drink, before those who travelled for the day had to take their train back home. Some of them we will see Monday night, when we get to Paris, and some we will see until the next time. Whenever that might be.

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