Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 8 - Versailles!

 Jul 13,

Today we went to Versailles, with a few thousand of our closest friends. Sofia was not feeling well so she stayed behind, but Lionel, Bella and I still went. Besides not feeling great, it felt like the quiet time would be good for her. 

Getting there was an adventure, since there was a strike and the trains didn’t seem to be running on their regular schedule, but Lionel figured out another train to take. That did mean we had to walk about 1 mile to get to the castle, and we had limited time because our entry time expired at 1:00pm, so we had to hustle to get there. We literally arrived at 1:00pm, just in time, and went in with no issues. It was really crowded though, so you couldn’t necessarily walk at your own pace. It was not Lionel’s favorite thing, but he hung in there. And since I love visiting castles, I enjoyed it regardless of the crowds and the heat.

After touring the castle itself we went to the gardens. Turns out our ticket didn’t include the gardens, which was annoying but not a big deal as the line for the tickets wasn’t bad. We walked in the gardens for a bit but by then Bella was getting really hot as well (Lionel had been melting for a while already), so we bought some drinks and a crepe (there was a long line and the drinks were not cold because they were going through them so quickly) and started to head back. On the way back we were able to take the train at a closer station. It didn’t have AC so it was also warm, but by then we were so sweaty that it kind of didn’t matter. Luckily other than that we got back with no issues.

It was a shame that Sofia wasn’t able to come with us (although Lionel thinks she would have liked the castle but hated the heat and the crowds) so that just means we will have to go back with her sometime.

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