Sunday, February 27, 2011

In my shoes

Tomorrow Lionel and I are exchanging our Monday routine. I need to be at work early, so he is taking the girls to school and I am picking them up. He normally does take Bella to school couple days a week, but he does not even feed her at home. He just packs her breakfast and off she goes.

His morning routine does not include ensuring they eat without getting up twenty times, fighting with each other, or going upstairs to play instead of brushing their teeth. No worrying about them getting food all over themselves, making Sofia's lunch before you make your own, or feeding the dog.

I do enjoy spending that time with the girls and I do everything for them with much love, but there is no denying that it is not stress free: It is hard work! It is not the same to just get up, get yourself dressed, and head out the door.

So as I was thinking about tomorrow morning, and what I have - or DON'T have - to do, one clear evil thought crossed my mind: "That will teach you Lionel. Good luck to you!".

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