Friday, February 11, 2011

To work or not to work

This morning, as Sofia and I  were coming back from Bella's daycare and on our way to her school, we drove past our health plex where we play tennis and she takes swim lessons. All of a sudden, completely out of the blue, she asked me: "Mami, how come some people have time to go to the gym during the day on a school/work day?" 

Huh? I was for sure not ready to answer that. The first thing that came to my mind was those clearly wealthy ladies I see there playing tennis all the time. They have the perfect outfit, the perfect gym bag, super expensive cars, and - even though that is a gym after all - the perfect makeup as well.

"Well ... some people have a lot of money and don't need to work", I said.

I obviously heard myself as I was saying that but it was too late. I couldn't stop. It was already out there, so I couldn't take it back. Way to go mom! You better have something else to add. 

"ALSO.... some people chose not to work because that is what works better for them. But when they do that it means they have to make sacrifices", I added. Seriously?!? Do you now want to sound like staying at home sucks? Because more than once you've thought that staying home would be just fine. 

"For instance, if they don't work that may mean that they don't have money to go on vacation, or go out for lunch, or for tennis lessons", I said. Then again, that may not be necessarily true. Some people don't work and probably spend way more than me. Oh well, she doesn't know that. 

"And what do people do if they want to go on vacation but they don't have money?", she asked in reply.

"Well, that's easy. They don't  go anywhere", I said. Good job mom. Short answer. Short and sweet. Short and sweet.

At that point I was just waiting for her to ask why wasn't I one of those wealthy ladies, and why didn't I just stay home, and why in the world did I have to go to work. But she didn't. Either the thought of no tennis and no vacation made her not to even want to go there, or she got tired of getting half thought out responses and decided that simply listening to the radio was a better bet.

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