Friday, February 18, 2011


Today Sofia's school was closed, but of course I had to work. So I worked from home. Poor Sofia managed to entertain herself for a while, but eventually went to my bedroom and fell asleep right before lunch. She said she was tired, but I think she was really bored. After a quick lunch I had to sit down and work again, but I promised her that after picking up Bella the three of us could play.

At around 4:15 I called it a day. At 4:30 we had an appointment to sign her up for her summer camp, after which we went to get gas, to the car wash, and finally to pick up Bella from school. By the time we came back it was probably close to 6:00pm. They wanted to play outside, so we went to the backyard for a few minutes and played in the swing set. After that it was shower time, time for dinner, and finally, after a very long wait, time to play.

The three of us went upstairs and Sofia said to me: "Ok, so we are going to pretend that I am the mami, and you are the sister".

"Ok", I said, not quite foreseeing what came next. As I sat down on the floor, and she positioned her plastic computer on top of her bed, Sofia said to me:

"We are going to pretend that I am the mami, and I am working, and you can't interrupt me. I am going to work for a while, and in the meantime you can play by yourself".

She was not using a mean tone, but she did not have to. It hurt all the same.

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