Monday, February 7, 2011

Perfect Match

It appears that all the moms I know agree on one thing: Even at a very early age girls have an opinion about what to wear. What about boys? Well, they truly don't seem to care.

Sofia has been choosing what she wants to wear for a very long time. Even Bella - at two years old - fights me when I am trying to put on something she does not like. "Not that one", she says. She then whines, throws a tantrum, and does whatever she can to prevent me from getting her dressed. Eventually I give up and go get something else. Something she approves of - of course - if I don't want the fight to start all over again.

This morning I asked Sofia if she wanted to wear a red dress. "No, because I don't have red shoes", she categorically said.

"You could wear the black shiny ones. Black and red look really well together", I said.

She quickly and finally replied: "I don't think so. They have to be red. I better wear something else".

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