Saturday, March 31, 2012


This afternoon we went to see Rapunzel at the Children's theater downtown. In Lionel and my opinion, the show kind of sucked. The songs were not very catchy, and it felt 10-15 minutes too long. Of course it probably didn't help us that we don't know that story very well.

Sofia was kind of restless, so my guess is that she got kind of bored. However, when I asked the girls if they liked it they both say yes. I sure hope so.

Spring Break

This week was Sofia's spring break at school, but even though I would have loved to spend every day with her the harsh reality was that I had to work.  On Monday I was particularly bummed about that. It is not like she didn't have a place to go, because she was going to Spring Break Camp and several of the kids from her school were going to be there. But still, when your kids are on vacation you would like to spend it with them.

I chugged along all week, working particularly late - even later than usual - given all the stuff that I have on my plate. But by yesterday morning I was physically and mentally done. Not only was I tired from all the hard work, but I just wanted to spend time with my girl. So I only worked for part of the morning, and after taking Bella to daycare Sofia and I hang out together the rest of the day.

We started our mami-Sofia day by watching "Mirror, Mirror" with one of my friends. After that my friend went to work and Sofia and I went to Dewey's for Pizza, had ice cream, and hang out at Newport on the Levee for a little while. It was such a beautiful spring day! It wasn't either hot or cold, the sun was shining, and I was just plain happy for being away from work and spending time with my girl. She also looked really happy, and had a big old smile in her face.

I may not have been able to spend the entire week with her, but at least we made Friday our special day.

Two minus one

This past Wednesday we were forced to give Zidane back ... at least for a while. He has allergies, and needs to be in a very restricted diet for a full three months. He can't have even one bite of anything else that is not his hypoallergenic food.

Given that we have small children the shelter did not trust that they wouldn't - by accident - give him other food, and since he is still not officially our dog we had no choice but to do as we were told. They are so afraid that someone will give him the wrong food by mistake that they are not keeping him at the shelter either. He is basically going to live in a "doggie hotel" for the next three months.

Today all four of us went to visit him to his temporary home, and even though the place is nice, it was still horrible to see him for a little while and then had to leave him behind. He was happy to see us, and enjoyed his time with us, but he stayed sad and whining when he had to go back to what I have to refer to as "his cell". We intent to visit him again, once per week, but I don't really know what is worse for him: To go see him and leave him there, or to not see him at all.


Me: "Bella, you need to put your shoes away. That's YOUR job"
Bella: "Am I getting money for it?"

Friday, March 23, 2012


Given that I did so well skiing this year I decided to give myself a little gift. Now that the winter is over there were some really good sales, and I did my homework before I settled on a blue and white pair.

Uno mas

While I was in Miami Sofia lost another tooth. I was bummed that I missed it, but she didn't seem to hold it against me. She was happy to show me the pink tooth box they gave her at school, and her actual tooth. Apparently the tooth fairy forgot to take it with her, although according to Daddy she probably left it on purpose so that I could see it when I got home.

Bella's Dance Moves

Today Bella showed me some of the moves she has learned in her dance class.

Llama Llama Doggie Drama

Today one of the dogs chewed up our couch. Not sure which one. Needless to say we are NOT happy about that. Our only consolation is that we have needed new couches for a while, but we were waiting for Bella to be a little older and take better care of things. As much as we didn't want to do this we are going to have to put them in crates, at least for a while.

Sofia's Spring Poem

Spring spring please last long I love you. The sun is shining high in the bright blue sky. So spring spring please last long.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


If you were lucky enough, growing up you probably had a group of close friends. And if you were even luckier, one of them was your true BFF.

I was lucky like that. My friend Lulu was that person for me ever since, at about the age of 13, we became friends. It was our platonic love for the New Kids on the Block that first brought us together, but many other reasons have somehow kept us close throughout more than 20 years. It is hard to believe, but we have now known each other for more than half our lives. That IS a very long time.

She may remember it differently, or maybe she never realized it, but when we were in high school she used to - in a way- take care of me. For a very long time my family did not have a car, so when I was hanging out at her house and it got late she would ask her mom to drive me home. She did the same when there were school parties or dances at night. If it hadn't been because her parents took me home afterwards I wouldn't have been able to go. For anybody that doesn't remember how devastating it is to miss a party when you are in high school let me tell you - it is a really BIG deal!

Since Miami is only a direct flight from Mexico City she was able to meet me here this week. During the day I was at my conference so she had to hang out by herself, but at night we had time to walk around, talk extensively, and catch up on our lives. We go through long stretches without seeing each other, but when we are together it never feels like it has been that long.

While in Miami we went to the tennis tournament, and even though the weather was cool and we didn't see that much tennis because it was the night session, what mattered was that we got to just be together and hang out like in the old times.

I was sad to hear that she is still going through some difficult times in her personal life, but I was happy to be there for her and give her my opinion and advice. I know what I had to say was difficult to hear, and she may not fully agree with me. But if there is something I hope she agrees with is that she deserves to be loved, to be taken care of, and to feel like she's been missed when she gets back home. In the end, things always move forward or they move back.

Welcome to Miami. Bienvenido a Miami.

I just spent the last four days in Miami for a conference about Talent Management. I am fully aware that many people see conferences as an excuse to break away from their day to day work, or an opportunity to take a "vacation" at their company's expense. That is however not the case for me. I truly came to the conference with high hopes to learn a thing or two that I could take back to work and make things better for those we serve. This was an opportunity to get inspired by others, to feed my inner geek.

For the last four days I heard from people who are recognized around the world for the work they do, who have been around for a very long while, and who are simply best in class. I also heard from entrepreneurs who in their very own way are hoping to change the world. Hearing from this group is always a double-edge sword. Yes, they are inspiring, but watching them follow their dreams with everything they got can also make you feel like you are totally missing the boat.

Along with me came two members of my team. They actually work for another company that works for mine, but I don't care that much about the different colors of our badges. On a day to day basis we truly work as a team. It was nice having them here because we decided to divide and conquer and cover as many breakout sessions as we could. But it was also nice chatting with them in between sessions, hanging out at meal times, and simply joking around. They are good people those two. I am going to miss them when I have to move on. I haven't told them yet, but by this time next year - if not before - my organization will probably ask me to work on something else.

The conference organizers also included two yoga rising sessions in the morning, right on the beach. I rarely pass on an opportunity for something like this, so even though it was early and windy, off I went the first day. The class was definitely different than what I've been used to: Fake laughing, chanting, and hugging a stranger required - enough to get me out of my comfort zone. I really just wanted some downward dogs, warriors, and sun salutations so, disappointed in the first class I decided not to go back the next day.

The hotel was fancy, the meals were good, and it was a really good event. I learned a lot, got confirmation that we are making the right moves, met some good contacts, and - never to be underestimated - got closer to my team.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Miami - Day 1

Tonight I find myself in Miami, Florida - which is exactly where I am going to be for the next three nights. Work brings me here as I am attending a conference that is directly relevant to what I do. Today there was a dinner/reception that ended up at 7:30pm and after that we were free to go. And what did I do given that I am in beautiful Miami, all by myself, without having to take care of anybody or walk the dogs? I came straight to the room and put my PJs on! I barely slept last night, so I am totally exhausted and can't wait to go to bed.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Irrefutable proof

Me: Sofia, you got As and Bs in everything except for Social studies ... you got a C.

Sofia: That is so unfair! I don't even know what that is...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Piano Practice

This is Sofia practicing what she learned in her very first piano lesson.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sofia's New Keyboard

Since Sofia is supposed to practice for her piano lessons I bought her a small keyboard and Lionel helped set it up. It is not top of the line or anything, but since we don't know if she is going to stick with it there is no reason to go overboard. Not at this point.

Children's Atlas of the World

Every few months the girl's schools host a book fair to raise extra funds. This week is Sofia's turn, so to support the cause we picked up couple books. One of them is a Children's Atlas of the World. I thought it would be good to pick a book that will help the girls learn about where Lionel and I come from, and the places Tia and Tio visit, and one day we might visit as well.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

La primavera asomando la nariz

Yesterday afternoon the girls and I went to the zoo. Even though it is still officially the winter, there were signs of spring everywhere.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Just saying

Having volunteered at Sofia's school for couple hours today, and witnessed her very first piano lesson, I have to say: Thanks to all teachers out there for their infinite patience ... and thank God that I am not them.

Energy, where are you?

Ever since we came back from skiing I have been just too tired and I have struggled getting up. Since my workouts have to happen before I go to work, that essentially means that I have had zero energy to workout. I am not sure why that is. It is true I have been working a lot and I am not necessarily going to bed early, but I think I have been sleeping more than I was last year. Maybe it is just the winter that is getting to me.

Piano Lessons

Today I took Sofia for her very first ever piano lesson. There was no specific reason for it, I just wanted her to give it a try. She enjoyed it, and even though she was impatient and wanted to get to playing right away, she did listen to the teacher for the most part. She was excited after the class, so we are going back.

Easy in, Easy out

Today the dogs had an interesting day. I worked from home and they were perfect little angels all day. But then I left for couple hours to go to Sofia's school and they decided to steal and eat a whole container of chocolate covered almonds. Since chocolate in any amounts is not good for them the vet said I needed to make them throw up by giving them a few spoonfuls of hydrogen peroxide, which is normally used to clean wounds. Luckily we had some at home, and luckily they drank it without resisting. Just as the vet said it would happen, a few minutes later both of them threw up in the backyard. Suffice it to say that I could easily tell both of them ate the chocolate.

Sofia was so appalled by their behavior that she even wrote down everything they did so she could share with Lionel when he got home.

Even though they both seemed fine after throwing up the vet said we are still supposed to watch them all weekend and make sure there is no neurological damage on either one of them. For now Zoey is wired, and as I try to write my blog she keeps bringing me her nasty toy to the couch, and putting it next to my work computer. Yikes, I hope it doesn't turn out to be a long night.

Chinese symbols

This afternoon I volunteered at Sofia's school for couple hours for what the teacher calls "Personal Development Day". She told me she already had an activity planned, so all I had to do was show up at 1:45pm. So I did. Turns out the activity she had planned was practicing their Chinese symbols on paper, with a brush and red paint. I was to call 3 to 4 students at the time to come out of the classroom and work with me in the hallway, where they have a few extra tables and chairs.

Experts say that girls develop fine motors skills much sooner than boys, and I have to agree with them. Some of the girls did a pretty good job, but the boys? The boys just made a mess! Being the impatient adult I am I really struggled letting them do their own thing when what I really wanted to say was: "What is wrong with you?!? Please try harder! ... Never mind! Let me just do it for you".

Sofia did Ok. She enjoyed having me at her school, and I enjoyed spending time with her.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Fresh Beat Band

The girls love watching the Fresh Beat Band, and I love that they love it because it is a very innocent, very sweet show that promotes good messages of friendship, helping others, and being yourself.  The band is now on tour for the very first time and tonight they came to Cincinnati, so of course we took the girls! Even though they had been to several shows and plays, it was their very first concert ever. They had fun, even danced in the isle, and I of course taped several chunks so they can watch it again later at home. I love it when my girls have fun!

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Walks

A good thing about having a dog once again is being "forced" to take nightly walks. It is very easy to feel temped to just sit down and continue working as soon as the girls go to bed, but I know I can't do that to them. That helps me too. They walk me, and I walk them.

Dog report card

Tonight is exactly a week since Zoey and Zidane came home. It has gone fast, and overall we are all doing well ... not to say that they don't have their corks.

Since the very first day we left them at home without a crate, roaming around freely as Rusty used to do. That first day they did chew one of Bella's boots but that was about it - and the boot was already ruined anyway. Considering all the things they could have messed with, they really did behave.

Zoey gets so excited when we get home that more often than not she pees right there and then. I really hope she outgrows that. Also, the other day when I came home I found that one of them had been digging the dirt out of my plant and even though I looked at her paws and they looked clean, I totally suspect her. The first few days she was also afraid to go upstairs, but she has gotten over that by now. She also pulls on the leash when you walk her, but she is getting better by the day. Today she got a new pink collar, a new pink leash, and new pink name tag. Pink usually rules at our house.

Zidane is the calmer one. Even though he is the bigger one he doesn't pull on the leash during walks. He also eats slower than Zoey, and his temperament is much similar to Rusty's. He is not afraid of going upstairs, but he also doesn't sleep in his bed. I guess he is more used to the hard surfaces, so as far as he is concerned the carpet is good enough. He also seems to really like being outside, because when we put him out in the backyard he never wants to come back. We don't like that. Unfortunately he also has a bad ear infection, so we need to take him back to the shelter or the vet at some point. I am sure that is going to freak him out.

Since it has been a week we soon need to make a final decision on whether we are keeping both, or Zidane is going back. We haven't really talked much about that. Taking one back is not a happy thought.

Prime spot

Zidane has discovered the best seat in the house, where Rusty used to sit for hours at the time. On one hand it is nice to see someone in that spot once again. On the other hand, it is weird to see someone other than Rusty sitting there.