Friday, March 2, 2012

Dog report card

Tonight is exactly a week since Zoey and Zidane came home. It has gone fast, and overall we are all doing well ... not to say that they don't have their corks.

Since the very first day we left them at home without a crate, roaming around freely as Rusty used to do. That first day they did chew one of Bella's boots but that was about it - and the boot was already ruined anyway. Considering all the things they could have messed with, they really did behave.

Zoey gets so excited when we get home that more often than not she pees right there and then. I really hope she outgrows that. Also, the other day when I came home I found that one of them had been digging the dirt out of my plant and even though I looked at her paws and they looked clean, I totally suspect her. The first few days she was also afraid to go upstairs, but she has gotten over that by now. She also pulls on the leash when you walk her, but she is getting better by the day. Today she got a new pink collar, a new pink leash, and new pink name tag. Pink usually rules at our house.

Zidane is the calmer one. Even though he is the bigger one he doesn't pull on the leash during walks. He also eats slower than Zoey, and his temperament is much similar to Rusty's. He is not afraid of going upstairs, but he also doesn't sleep in his bed. I guess he is more used to the hard surfaces, so as far as he is concerned the carpet is good enough. He also seems to really like being outside, because when we put him out in the backyard he never wants to come back. We don't like that. Unfortunately he also has a bad ear infection, so we need to take him back to the shelter or the vet at some point. I am sure that is going to freak him out.

Since it has been a week we soon need to make a final decision on whether we are keeping both, or Zidane is going back. We haven't really talked much about that. Taking one back is not a happy thought.

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