Saturday, March 31, 2012

Two minus one

This past Wednesday we were forced to give Zidane back ... at least for a while. He has allergies, and needs to be in a very restricted diet for a full three months. He can't have even one bite of anything else that is not his hypoallergenic food.

Given that we have small children the shelter did not trust that they wouldn't - by accident - give him other food, and since he is still not officially our dog we had no choice but to do as we were told. They are so afraid that someone will give him the wrong food by mistake that they are not keeping him at the shelter either. He is basically going to live in a "doggie hotel" for the next three months.

Today all four of us went to visit him to his temporary home, and even though the place is nice, it was still horrible to see him for a little while and then had to leave him behind. He was happy to see us, and enjoyed his time with us, but he stayed sad and whining when he had to go back to what I have to refer to as "his cell". We intent to visit him again, once per week, but I don't really know what is worse for him: To go see him and leave him there, or to not see him at all.

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