Friday, March 9, 2012

Easy in, Easy out

Today the dogs had an interesting day. I worked from home and they were perfect little angels all day. But then I left for couple hours to go to Sofia's school and they decided to steal and eat a whole container of chocolate covered almonds. Since chocolate in any amounts is not good for them the vet said I needed to make them throw up by giving them a few spoonfuls of hydrogen peroxide, which is normally used to clean wounds. Luckily we had some at home, and luckily they drank it without resisting. Just as the vet said it would happen, a few minutes later both of them threw up in the backyard. Suffice it to say that I could easily tell both of them ate the chocolate.

Sofia was so appalled by their behavior that she even wrote down everything they did so she could share with Lionel when he got home.

Even though they both seemed fine after throwing up the vet said we are still supposed to watch them all weekend and make sure there is no neurological damage on either one of them. For now Zoey is wired, and as I try to write my blog she keeps bringing me her nasty toy to the couch, and putting it next to my work computer. Yikes, I hope it doesn't turn out to be a long night.

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