Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome to Miami. Bienvenido a Miami.

I just spent the last four days in Miami for a conference about Talent Management. I am fully aware that many people see conferences as an excuse to break away from their day to day work, or an opportunity to take a "vacation" at their company's expense. That is however not the case for me. I truly came to the conference with high hopes to learn a thing or two that I could take back to work and make things better for those we serve. This was an opportunity to get inspired by others, to feed my inner geek.

For the last four days I heard from people who are recognized around the world for the work they do, who have been around for a very long while, and who are simply best in class. I also heard from entrepreneurs who in their very own way are hoping to change the world. Hearing from this group is always a double-edge sword. Yes, they are inspiring, but watching them follow their dreams with everything they got can also make you feel like you are totally missing the boat.

Along with me came two members of my team. They actually work for another company that works for mine, but I don't care that much about the different colors of our badges. On a day to day basis we truly work as a team. It was nice having them here because we decided to divide and conquer and cover as many breakout sessions as we could. But it was also nice chatting with them in between sessions, hanging out at meal times, and simply joking around. They are good people those two. I am going to miss them when I have to move on. I haven't told them yet, but by this time next year - if not before - my organization will probably ask me to work on something else.

The conference organizers also included two yoga rising sessions in the morning, right on the beach. I rarely pass on an opportunity for something like this, so even though it was early and windy, off I went the first day. The class was definitely different than what I've been used to: Fake laughing, chanting, and hugging a stranger required - enough to get me out of my comfort zone. I really just wanted some downward dogs, warriors, and sun salutations so, disappointed in the first class I decided not to go back the next day.

The hotel was fancy, the meals were good, and it was a really good event. I learned a lot, got confirmation that we are making the right moves, met some good contacts, and - never to be underestimated - got closer to my team.

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