Friday, March 9, 2012

Chinese symbols

This afternoon I volunteered at Sofia's school for couple hours for what the teacher calls "Personal Development Day". She told me she already had an activity planned, so all I had to do was show up at 1:45pm. So I did. Turns out the activity she had planned was practicing their Chinese symbols on paper, with a brush and red paint. I was to call 3 to 4 students at the time to come out of the classroom and work with me in the hallway, where they have a few extra tables and chairs.

Experts say that girls develop fine motors skills much sooner than boys, and I have to agree with them. Some of the girls did a pretty good job, but the boys? The boys just made a mess! Being the impatient adult I am I really struggled letting them do their own thing when what I really wanted to say was: "What is wrong with you?!? Please try harder! ... Never mind! Let me just do it for you".

Sofia did Ok. She enjoyed having me at her school, and I enjoyed spending time with her.

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