Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bella goes to Sands

Today was Bella's first day at Sands.

I was excited for her, but while dropping her off I had to take a really deep breath. I knew she would be in good hands, but transitions are always hard to take. It was not easy to see her moving away from the car and walking into an unknown place. She was so lucky to have Sofia with her, who kept reassuring her and telling her she would like it very much. "I will walk with you into your classroom if you want" my sweet Sofia said, even adding: "And I will help you find your cubie because you don't know yet how to read".

At the end I think Bella did have a great day - not that she told me much when I asked her. But Sofia said she did not stay crying when she walked away, and that - for her very first day - can totally be called a success.

All smiles at pick up time
Lunch at Panera after school

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