Thursday, August 23, 2012


It is never a good thing when I get a call from daycare or summer camp in the middle of the day. Last week that call came from summer camp letting me know that I needed to go pick up Sofia ASAP because she had lice. Yep, lice!

After the initial panic and automatic head scratching that ensued when I heard the news, I called a friend of mine who recently had to deal with the same thing. She gave me great advice on how to get rid of the lice and - more importantly - peace of mind. I also had to call Bella's daycare to have them check her head, but luckily she was in the clear.

Once I picked Sofia up we still took the time to grab some lunch, and then headed to buy the stuff we needed for her hair. Putting the stuff on and checking her head took a very long time, but luckily it appeared like the problem was just getting started so I felt pretty confident that the lice would be killed and would not be coming back. Unfortunately the next day she still couldn't go to camp because we missed couple "nits" in her hair that although dead by then, still needed to be removed. So Thursday night we had another marathon head checking session, and luckily by Friday she was allowed to stay. That day they had their end-of-summer carnival, so Sofia was particularly distressed at the thought of missing out.

Yesterday we did a 7-day follow up hair treatment, and next Wednesday we will do a final one just to make sure the Lice are not coming back. But other than that I think we are good for now.

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