Saturday, August 4, 2012

Small summer treat

Last Sunday Sofia got sick. We never knew if it was a bug or something she ate, but she spent the afternoon throwing up. The following morning she was much better, although she still looked tired and said she wasn't feeling 100%. She wanted to stay home with me, but I had to go to the office because I had several meetings that had to happen face to face. When I told her I couldn't stay, but she could stay at tia Gabi's instead, she started whining and told me: "But mommy, I don't want to stay with tia Gabi. I want to stay with you. I am always going to summer camp, and I don't get to spend time with you!". That made me really sad of course. Nothing makes me feel more inadequate as a mom than when my kids express that I don't spend enough time with them.

At the end she had a good time with tia Gabi, I picked her up early, and we went to Panera at her request. It is not that Panera is her favorite place to go, but getting out of the routine was a true treat for her.

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