Friday, August 31, 2012

Ready, set, go!

I think it is safe to say that Bella is doing really well at Sands. In the mornings there hasn't been any drama at drop-off, and Sofia says that when they enter the school she walks into her room all by herself, puts her stuff in her cubie, and gets started with her day.

Bella told me that she likes Miss Mitza because, from all the things, she speaks Spanish. Also, this afternoon I spoke with Miss Mitza for a few minutes and she confirmed that Bella is doing just fine, that she has gotten the hang of the room right away, that she is a great listener (what?!?!) and that she is a little personality ... 3 going on 15! ... In other words, I have nothing to be concerned about in terms of her getting settled into the new routine.

So all is good, but I just wish Bella told me more about her days. Today, for instance, when I picked her up I asked her: "What did you do at school today? Tell me, I want to know it all!". And she literally replied: "I colored, had snack, went outside, and then you picked me up". I had to sigh about that one.

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