Saturday, August 4, 2012

De luz y de sombras

It was almost couple weeks ago that with great sadness I learned that TJ - someone I once knew - passed away at a very young age. He wasn't a friend of mine, but he was a friend of my friends. He was younger than me, healthy, and athletic ... but in a split second all that went away.

A few days later I was driving home after picking up the girls from school when at a traffic light I started thinking about the irony of that day. It was hot, sunny, and beautiful, but it was also the very same day TJ's family was getting ready to bury their beloved son.  So I am sure that to them there was nothing beautiful about that day. I can also imagine that no matter how hot and bright it was outside, there was nothing but darkness in their aching hearts.

For the rest of us life must go on, but may TJ rest in peace.

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