Monday, February 23, 2015

Sad Monday

I am pretty sure that today my eyes reflected a very distinct mix of sadness and disappointment. That is because 1) We have not yet sold our house, and we have no active leads on it, 2) I have way too much to do at work, and not nearly enough time to do it, and 3) When the weather is bad, and creates all kinds of inconveniences, you can only remain positive for so long. Today, for instance, I started my day stressed out because the snow is covering multiple spots of the parking lot, and there is not enough room for all the cars. So after driving around for a little while, I had to park in the tiniest spot, worried I would hit the cars around me, or that they would hit me as they pulled out. So even before I had entered the building, I was already in a bad mood. Not the best way to start the day.

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