Saturday, February 14, 2015

Vail - Day 4

Today marked our third day of skiing, and the first day of Sofia using poles. She had been looking forward to using them, but first she had to make it to level 5. Bella had also gone up to level 3+, after starting at 2+ the first day, so today was the first day she would get to go up the mountain.

Lionel, his dad, and I went all over the place once again - at least everywhere where I can go with them. After falling twice the first day, and once yesterday, today I managed to stay on my feet the entire time. But it was a short day. As we were sitting down for lunch we got a call from ski school, because Bella was not feeling well. She said her stomach and back were hurting, which we know is a sign of her being hungry. I guess she didn't like the lunch, so she only had the fruit which didn't fill her up.

Lionel and his dad guided me back to the bottom of the mountain so I could go pick her up. She and I then came straight back to the hotel, and have been resting for a bit while I finally update the blog. I have been so tired every night, that I hadn't found the time to do so.

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