Sunday, June 18, 2017

Double park feature

Jun 13,

This evening we got together with some friends at a park - moms and kids. We used to get together every Thursday for years, until we all started getting married and having kids. Between work and parenting responsibilities, getting everybody together became a bit of a challenge. So now we only get together now and then.

Unfortunately the girls and I got there really late. I meant to get there at 6, but after leaving work, going home to change and get the girls,  and trying to find our way there, we ended up getting there at 7. I thought everybody would get there by 5:00 or 5:30, but as it turned out some of them -  who are off for the summer - had been there since 4:00 pm. We hung out with them for about an hour, but then everybody was ready to go home. We were not though, and it was a shame to call it a night. The sun had gone down, and the weather was very pleasant, so we moved on to another nearby park. The girls played in the playground, we had ice cream, and we stayed there until 9:30 or so - when it was really starting to get dark. 

To many it may sound like a very plain evening, but for me it was a special one. I have a feeling that when the summer is over, and the girls are back to their routine, I will remember tonight - and us hanging out without any rush - as one of the special ones.

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