Sunday, June 25, 2017

New York City- Day 3 - All around town

Jun 25,

Between this morning's run, and all the walking around, I basically logged 13 miles today. Tiring, but nor particularly surprising given that we have been on the go all day long. 

After I came back from my run, and we all took showers, we went back to Central Park to walk around with the girls. It was a nice sunny day but not too hot, especially in the shade. We then stopped for lunch at the Whole Foods Market in Columbus Circle before taking the subway towards the financial district. Sadly the subway was skipping a few stops - for some unfortunate and unknown reason - so we ended up walking a lot more than originally expected. That meant Bella was tired, and I had to seriously "coach her" through it - especially during the last mile. We eventually got to the statues of the bull and the little girl facing it defiantly, and took a couple of pictures. I would have loved to take a few more, and better ones, but I was sure the thick crowd wouldn't let me. And since Bella was tired, but still wanted to see the statue of liberty, it was time to keep moving. We walked to Battery Park and pointed to the statue, which was far enough to prevent a good picture. We had no intention of getting on a boat and making it all the way there, and luckily Bella was agreeable to just keep moving.  Perhaps it helped that to boost everyone's spirit we got some popsicles and made a restroom stop - a key element in keeping the peace when traveling with children.

After the Statue of Liberty we walked to the 9/11 memorial, but didn't have plans to go inside given how much walking we had done already. Except that both girls said they wanted to go, so we did. That gave us about 90 more minutes of walking and standing around, so by the time we got out of there the girls were definitely not taking another step. And my feet were with them. All taxis were full, so we ordered an Uber and had about 30 minutes of rest during the drive back to the hotel. By the time we came back, I couldn't wait to put my feet up and chill for a bit.

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