Friday, June 23, 2017

A change in perspective

Jun 21,

For a while now I have been worrying about what is going to happen at work. Do they really see me as one of the future leaders of the company? Are they just telling me that so they get me to do more and more? Are they finally going to put me on the promotion list for the next level? The next big window of opportunity for me is this September, and as the date approaches the worry about it has increased more and more. But a couple of days ago it finally hit me that it is all good. No matter the outcome this coming September, I will be one step closer to one of my dreams. If they finally put me on that list I will be one step closer to fulfilling my career aspirations in my current company. If they do not, I will then be one step closer to fulfilling my desire to experience life in a different city. Because one thing is for sure: Status quo is not getting the best of me.

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