Sunday, October 29, 2017

Lego Ninjago

Oct 29,

This afternoon Gabi and I finally took Bella and Diego to see the Lego Ninjago movie. The kids liked it, but judging by how many times she laughed, I am pretty sure that Gabi was the one that enjoyed it the most!


Oct 29,

Yesterday morning Bella was supposed to have a soccer tournament but it was rainy and cold, so their game was rescheduled for today at 1:00. Today there was no rain, but it was still pretty cold. I was cold from the beginning, even though I had my big winter jacket on, my hat, and my gloves - and a blanket on top of me. But eventually Lionel and Sofia were pretty cold as well. The good thing is that Bella warmed up quickly running around, and their team won. The girls were very excited that they won their game, and finished their season as #1.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Abuelito's Birthday

Oct 28,

Today is my Dad's birthday, so we got together for a family lunch. Happy Birthday papi, and many, many more. 

Sands Carnival 2017

Oct 28,

Today was the Sands Carnival, which is the largest fundraiser of the entire year. We didn't have much time to hang out, but still managed to go there for an hour and support the school by buying tickets for the games. We also took a couple of pictures by the latest wall art, which by the way I found to be very appropriate. The pictures were of us spreading our wings. 

Remembering the gym membership

Oct 28,

This morning my alarm went off reminding me that it was time to get up and go running. I knew it would be a cold morning, and that there was the potential for rain, but was hoping the rain would hold until later. It didn't though, and it seemed to be the slushy - dangerous - kind. So I decided that running outside was simply not going to happen. I considered getting back into bed, but I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I then thought about going to the basement and doing the elliptical or the spinning bike, but I had already done it earlier in the week. And what I really wanted to do was go running. I stood in the kitchen for a few minutes, pondering what to do, and then it hit me! I have a gym membership! I signed up a few months ago, to have it as a backup option, but hadn't really worked out there at all. 

I got dressed, drove to the gym - which is only about 10 minutes away - and ran a wonderful 6 miles. I hadn't run on a treadmill for weeks, but my legs felt fine. And since I was already there, and knew Bella's soccer game would be cancelled because of the rain, I even stayed after my run and did some weights.


Oct 26,

This picture is from 17 years ago. Time flies. And it is kind of weird to see me staring directly at myself. But I do like this picture. It is from a time when Lionel and I were already engaged, and were planning our wedding. An it was taken in downtown Queretaro. I still remember that day. It was sunny and warm - my favorite kind. 

Cold morning

Oct 26,

My treadmill is still broken, so I had to run outside again this morning. This time in 31 degree weather. I wish the mornings were a bit warmer, but if anything they are going to start getting colder.

Last soccer practice

Oct 25,

Today was the last soccer practice of the fall season. It was a cool evening, but the girls didn't seem to mind. And the sunset was beautiful.

Fall is here

Oct 24,

This beautiful tree is evidence that fall is definitely here. 

New car!

Oct 24,

Today, almost 3 weeks after the accident, Lionel picked up our new car at the dealership. We got the exact same car, just a newer model, because I like it, it is comfortable, and more than once we have already tested its safety. I also wanted it white because prior to the black car we had a white one - that Lionel totaled - and I felt like we parted ways with that one way too quickly. We hope this one will be with us for a while, and that nothing major happens to it.

Salad in a Jar

Oct 23,

Bella has been following the blog of this one girl that - among other things - makes some easy healthy recipes like a salad in a jar. Bella decided that she would make some of those to take to school for lunch, and I helped her a little. She also decided that it was better to be safe than sorry, and wasn't going to take any chances with Sofia or Lionel taking her food. So she put some friendly reminders on top of the lids. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Oct 22,

Bella had been debating what to be for Halloween, but today she finally found her costume. Little red riding hood it is!

One last picture

Oct 22,

Before we trade it in later this week, we took one last picture with our poor car ... or two. It never fails that one girl looks fine in a picture, but the other one looks weird. 

My sleeping beauty

Oct 22,

My little critter. My cuddle bunny. 

Last game of the season

Oct 21,

After our disappointing garage sale we headed to Bella's last game of the season. That cheered us up and made us think about something else.  They tied the game, but still managed to end the season in 1st place. The coach said next week they'll have a tournament, which would be Bella's first one ever, but we still don't have the details.

Last one ever ... or at least for a while

Oct 21,

This morning we tried the girl's garage sale again, but it didn't go very well. I don't even want to think about it anymore, but I feel like it has to go in the books. After all the effort setting it up, we only made $7. So once again it wasn't a very positive experience for the girls. Sofia was sad that we didn't make more money, and I was sad that we didn't get rid of more stuff. I am going to give our cleaning lady all the clothes, the way I always do, but the bulkier stuff, the ones I really didn't wan to drag back with me, are back in the garage. Sigh.

Good bye car

Oct 20,

After waiting for two and a half weeks the answer is finally in. The damage in my car is so much that it is not worth trying to get it repaired. So we are trading it in. Getting a new car is nice of course, but the girls and I are also bummed. I am bummed because I always liked that car and prior to the accident I wasn't planning on getting a new car anytime soon. And the girls are bummed because it has been with us for so long that it is the only car that Bella even remembers. She has been riding in that car since she was like 2 years old. But safety comes first, and even if we repaired it we just wouldn't trust it the same way anymore.

The cat is back

Oct 19,

The last few weeks have been a blur, and I really haven't thought much about the fall and Halloween, but today the inflatable cat at gymnastics was staring directly at me - or so it seemed. It probably has been there for at least a couple of weeks, but I hadn't even noticed it. It reminded me that all the neighbors put out their Halloween decorations since the start of the month, and we haven't really done anything. What can I say? Halloween decorations are simply not at the top of my priorities list.

Happy Birthday to me!

Oct 17,

We all know I love to celebrate my birthday, so every year I really look forward to it. This year it was on a Tuesday, so I considered taking the day off, but at the end decided not to. I have a new hire reporting to me, and didn't want to leave her alone, and I knew my friend Molly would do something nice for me - which she did! She decorated my desk (and actually cleaned it as well), and baked me some brownies. It made me feel very special getting to work and seeing all the effort she had put into it.

Then, in the evening, the family got together to cut cake as usual. My parents didn't realize Lionel would buy the cake, so we ended up with two cakes. And, without any coordinating, they actually bought the exact same one - if only because they know that cake is one of my favorites. So we ended up eating one of them, and I took the other one to work later in the week. 

After cutting cake my parents went back home and the rest of us went out for dinner. We were a bit tired, but we were celebrating and nobody wanted to cook. So we continued the party. After that it was time to get back home, get ready for the next day, and go to bed.