Saturday, October 28, 2017

Remembering the gym membership

Oct 28,

This morning my alarm went off reminding me that it was time to get up and go running. I knew it would be a cold morning, and that there was the potential for rain, but was hoping the rain would hold until later. It didn't though, and it seemed to be the slushy - dangerous - kind. So I decided that running outside was simply not going to happen. I considered getting back into bed, but I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I then thought about going to the basement and doing the elliptical or the spinning bike, but I had already done it earlier in the week. And what I really wanted to do was go running. I stood in the kitchen for a few minutes, pondering what to do, and then it hit me! I have a gym membership! I signed up a few months ago, to have it as a backup option, but hadn't really worked out there at all. 

I got dressed, drove to the gym - which is only about 10 minutes away - and ran a wonderful 6 miles. I hadn't run on a treadmill for weeks, but my legs felt fine. And since I was already there, and knew Bella's soccer game would be cancelled because of the rain, I even stayed after my run and did some weights.

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