Saturday, October 7, 2017

Got cake?

Oct 7,

Today was definitely a busy day. After the Queen Bee, Bella's soccer match, and lunch, we went back home to rest for a little while. But then the girls and I went back out. I needed to buy a dress for a fancy work event later this week, so they came with me. At one of the stores Bella found a cake costume, and we were very close to getting it, but then she changed her mind.  She was worried that the costume was too short, and decided that she would get something else instead. 

By the time we came back from shopping everybody was tired, and we didn't want to cook or go to a restaurant. So to Lionel's disappointment, since he is always looking to explore new cool places, we simply went to Panera. It was close and fast, and we just wanted to eat something quickly, come back home, and call it a night.

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