Saturday, October 7, 2017

Queen Bee 2017

Oct 7,

Today I ran my 10th half marathon. For someone who never played anything growing up, that is not bad at all. It is such a great round number that I was really looking forward to it.

The weather was hot and muggy, which definitely impacted me today. I started slow as usual, until I could get into a good rhythm, but was later able to pick up the pace and have a pretty strong run - that is until mile 11. A little after hitting mile 11 I felt a cramp coming, and had to walk for the better part of the last 2 miles. I did manage to run the last stretch, which I was very thankful for because Bella was planning on jumping in and crossing the finish line with me. And I really, really did not want to disappoint her (or myself) and get there walking. Those two miles were very costly from an overall timing standpoint (10:22 average pace and 2:15:43 net time)  so I am definitely disappointed that I didn't do better. But I am happy I finished and reached my goal of my 10th half marathon. And the best part was not getting there all alone. The running group is super supportive, and I always appreciate my family coming to see me and celebrating with me.

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